[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'BufDataset' (#fcl)


Implements a structure used to compare buffers for fields in TBufDataset.


Source position: bufdataset.pas line 103

type TDBCompareRec = record

  CompareFunc: TCompareFunc;


Function used to determine the relative sort order for compared field values

  Off: PtrInt;


Offset to data in the record buffer

  NullBOff: PtrInt;


Offset to the Null Bitmap in record data

  FieldInd: LongInt;


Ordinal position for the field

  Size: Integer;


Size of the compared values

  Options: TLocateOptions;


Locate options used in the comparison

  Desc: Boolean;


Indicates if the field is ordered in descending order



TDBCompareRec is a record type which implements a structure used to compare buffers for fields in TBufDataset. TDBCompareRec is used in the implementation of the TDBCompareStruct type.

See also



Function used to compare values to determine their relative sort order



Options to use when locating a record in a dataset

Documentation generated on: Jun 23 2021